le Contrade di Siena: comparsa del Leocorno le Contrade di Siena: comparsa dell' Aquila le Contrade di Siena: cena nella Chiocciola
le Contrade di Siena: comparsa del Leocorno
Events around Siena


With the last Sunday of April, in the historic center of Siena it begins the liveliest time of year, when the city finally wears the colors of the Contrade and you begin to breathe the air of the famous Palio.
Until the first week of September each Contrada celebrates its own feast and the Saint's Patron Day, with dinners, religious and ritual celebrations, games and free activities for everybody and gastronomic events which culminate with the "giro" all over the city.
Every Sunday, in fact, each Contrada (sometimes twice in the same day) carries a procession that winds throughout the historic center, flags and drums invade the ancient medieval city, from the most hidden alley to Piazza del Campo and the Duomo, pausing at the oratories of the other 16 Contrada to sing “Te Deum”, a Latin song dedicated to the Virgin.
The Contrada dresses up in its streets, alleys and squares with flags and bracelets (the special lights), on Sunday the city sounds of drums and the games of the brightly-colored flags, joined the proud songs of the people, give to Siena a delightful, joyful and proud atmosphere.
From the windows of our boutique hotel in the medieval center of Siena, on Sunday you can see the parade of some Contrada passing from Via dei Rossi, the road which connects the Contrada of the Giraffe, Caterpillar and She-wolf! Overlooking the “Corso” (the main street), only 50 meters from the hotel, you can enjoy the "return" of each of the 17 Contrade in their own headquarters, admiring all the people lined up singing old sienese songs.
An old sienese adage says: “there is no pen of the best poet that can describe the atmosphere and fascination of the Contrade. It is not a religion, it is something deeper".
And that’s it! As far as we can tell, describe and emphasize, the best way to fully understand this city based on ancient traditions is to come here and try it. Nothing better than the faces of the people, from young children to grandparents, will make you understand what the Contrada and the Palio mean for our people.


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